Soil and water conservation districts are a legal subdivision of the state of Georgia. They were created in 1945 and serve selected counties in the state. Georgia’s resource conservation program implements best management practices regarding the administration of its natural resources. Its function is to describe to each conservation district practical guidelines for land development by working with individual land owners, associated agencies and other interested parties.
Conservation Districts serve as the bridge between federal and state resource management agencies and land managers. While natural resource conservation is a national priority, the guiding philosophy of all Conservation Districts is that decisions on conservation problems should be made on the local level, by local people, with technical assistance provided by government. Direct funding for Conservation Districts comes from a variety of sources, including government grants, special projects and others. Federal Assistance is provided through hiring and assigning of technical experts to each District. Private donations and contributions are also made by those individuals, businesses and organizations committed to a cleaner environment like our affiliate members.
The Ohoopee River Soil and Water Conservation District is an agency of the State Government established March 26, 1937. It is a legally constituted, administrative agency of the State of Georgia. The Ohoopee river District Board of Supervisors is charged with the responsibility of making conservation programs available for 1,112,000 acres of land in the District. The conservation district covers Emanuel, Montgomery, Toombs, Treutlen, and Wheeler Counties.
2025 Poster Contest
The Ohoopee River Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), a local agency dedicated to the conservation and stewardship of the area’s natural resources, is now accepting entries for their Poster Contest for students located within the District’s service area. The service area includes Emanuel, Montgomery, Toombs, Treutlen and Wheeler Counties. Education is a critical element of the conservation effort at the local, state and national levels. Educating young people about the benefits of conservation helps to ensure the next generation will be wise stewards of America’s natural resources.
The annual Poster Contest provides public, private and homeschooled students in Kindergarten thru 12th grades the chance to have their art selected to advance on to the state contest. Prizes will be awarded for the top three winners in each age category. Each year, the poster topic reflects National Association of Conservation District’s annual Stewardship theme and highlights the work of Conservation Districts to protect and enhance natural resources. This year’s theme “Home is Where the Habitat is” highlights the essential role of
Feral Swine Control
No-Till Drill
Meeting Information
Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month, 3:00 p.m. at the Pine Country RC&D Office, Soperton, GA 30457. Demonstrations, tours and special meetings may be held as part of District meetings. Meetings notices will be posted in the District’s local newspapers.