GACD's Alternative Plan Review

GACD has been working the past 12 months to put in place an Alternative Plan Review Program. This Alternative Plan Review Program will allow Conservation Districts (Districts) to offer an alternative technical procedure for completing the District’s responsibility to review erosion and sediment control plans. GACD will begin this program April 1, 2019.


• GACD and Districts execute a Memorandum of Understanding documenting the

procedure for GACD to assist the District in its responsibility to review erosion and

sediment control plans.

• GACD has obtained a group of third party independent qualified erosion control plan

review consultants (Consultants), which may vary from time to time, to provide this plan

review services.

• Consultants selected by GACD must be prequalified with the GSWCC as a Design

Professional and Level II Certified Plan Reviewer. Currently, GACD has approved eight

design professionals as Consultants for the Alternative Plan Review Program. GACD will

consider requests for additional Consultants at each GACD board meeting.

• Consultants are required to review plans within 10 business days.

*If you are interested in becoming a Consultant, please email Executive Director Katie Sponberger at .


• Consultants will perform these services a fixed fee of $600 ($400 if disturbed area is less

than 5 acres). Consultant’s Plan Review Fee will be a fixed lump sum price and shall

include the initial plan review and two additional reviews.


The Alternative Plan Review Program will allow ALL Districts across Georgia, in both

urban and rural areas, a means to complete the District’s responsibility to review erosion and

sediment control plans in an effective and timely manner.



If you have any comments or suggestions, please email Katie Sponberger ( prior to March 15, 2019. GACD will finalize these documents and initiate the Alternative Plan Review Program on April 1, 2019.