Soil Conservationist- Hartwell, GA


The Georgia Association of Conservation Districts (GACD) is a grassroots non-profit organization whose mission is to advocate for the conservation of Georgia’s natural resources by providing organization, leadership and a unified strategic direction to the 40 Soil and Water Conservation Districts of the State.


GACD, in coordination with local conservation districts and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) personnel, is seeking independently contracted Soil Conservationists to serve in select locations in the State of Georgia. Working as an independent contractor through GACD, the Soil Conservationist be based daily at a designated NRCS Office. The Soil Conservationist will perform all duties and responsibilities as required by GACD and NRCS set forth in the subsequent contract. These duties will be completed on-site at the NRCS office designated.


The Soil Conservationist will serve the designated district and NRCS by aiding in the development, planning, contracting and application of land conservation practices and programs consistent with NRCS policy and procedures.

 The Soil Conservationist will also have the following responsibilities:

•    Perform all duties and responsibilities as required by GACD and NRCS to be completed on-site at the NRCS office designated

•    Develop Conventional Conservation Plans that utilizes knowledge in farm planning methods and procedures to include but not limited to gathering data, preparing draft drawings, delineating watershed areas, assessing soil types, and preliminary conservation practice layouts.

•   Utilize soil erosion software and tools including RUSLE, WEPS, and Pesticide Risk

Assessment tool.

•    Complete CPA 52 forms, NRCS environmental assessments, and farm plan folder assembly.

•    Implement Farm Bill Programs to address resource concerns and explain cost share programs to applicants.

• Contract Management and technical responsibilities for Farm Bill and NRCS programs including Environmental Quality Incentive program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and easement programs.

•   Contract review for compliance with contract schedules and practice requirements.

•    Complete  Highly  Erodible  Land  (HEL)  and  wetland  compliance  checks,  map preparation, and Wetland Team support.

•    Outreach within the community to promote conservation awareness at workshops, seminars, fairs, and school events.

•   Perform other duties as assigned by NRCS District Conservationist.


GACD shall pay the Contractor a flat fee as total compensation for the services described above. Payment is $40,000-$49,000 per year based on experience and qualifications and will be made on a bi-weekly basis.


The following qualifications are desirable for any candidate interested in becoming a Soil Conservationist for GACD:

▪   Management and organizational skills

  • Computer skills

▪   Ability to multi-task in high volume workload offices

▪    Comfort working in different environments (i.e. field visits with farmers, educational days with students, etc.)

▪   Meet  basic  requirements  found  in  General  Schedule  and  Qualification  Standards  for  Soil Conservationist Series, 0457:

▪   Valid driver’s license

Basic Requirements

1.   Degree: soil conservation or related agricultural or natural resource discipline such as agronomy, soil science, forestry, agricultural education, or agricultural engineering. The study must have included 30 semester hours in a natural resource or agricultural field, including at least 12 semester hours in a combination of soils and crops or plant science. Of the 12 semester hours, a minimum of 3 semester hours must have been in soils and 3 semester hours in crops or plant science.


2.   Combination of education and experience: at least 30 semester hours in one or more of the disciplines as shown in A above, including at least 12 semester hours in a combination of soils and crops or plant science, plus appropriate experience or additional education. Of the 12 semester hours, a minimum of 3 semester hours must have been in soils and 3 semester hours in crops or plant science.

Evaluation of Education: Education that provided specialized knowledge and skills in soil and water conservation is more valuable than education that imparted broad but general knowledge and skills. Courses in soil fertility, soil chemistry, soil genesis, plant physiology, plant science, and field crops are examples of specialized courses that contribute towards meeting the required 12 semester hours as described above. Courses in the physical sciences or engineering such as geology, civil engineering, and hydrology also meet the soils, crops, or plant science course requirements where such courses included a complete introduction to the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils.

Evaluation of Experience: Experience that included the application of techniques, principles, and methods from a variety of agricultural and natural resource fields is appropriate, given the interdisciplinary character of the soil conservation occupation. For example, experience gained in a specialized field such as soil science, forestry, or agronomy is as fully acceptable as experience directly obtained in soil conservation work.



USDA- Natural Resources Conservation Service, 88 Maret Street, Hartwell, GA 30643


how to apply

Please send the following items by email to
1) Resume
2) Cover Letter

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.