Rockdale County Conservation District is made up of a board of five supervisors that come from a variety of areas of life. The Rockdale County Conservation District is one of the few single county districts in the state. This means Rockdale County residents benefit from a consolidation of funds and resources and easier coordination with local governments.



Rockdale County Soil and Water Conservation District Awards Winners of Poster/Photo Contest

December 20, 2024, Conyers, GA: Education is a critical element of the conservation effort at the local, state and national levels. Educating young people about the benefits of conservation helps to ensure the next generation will be wise stewards of America’s natural resources.

Rockdale County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) offered the Georgia Association of Conservation District’s (GACD) poster contest to public, private and homeschooled students from Kindergarten through 12th grade in the schools throughout the Rockdale County SWCD. Each year, the winning posters reflect GACD’s annual Stewardship theme and highlight the work of Conservation Districts to protect and enhance natural resources. This year’s theme “May the Forest Be with You, Always” promotes the importance of our forests. Rockdale County SWCD also participated in the photo contest which reflects conservation practices. The photo contest was offered to students in the Rockdale County SWCD from 6th through 12th grades.

Three overall winners in each grade category were chosen from many creative poster and photo contest entries. The 3rd place winner in the K-5th grade poster contest was Yareli Meza, a student at JH House Elementary School, winning $20.00. The second 2nd place winner was Cameron Stallworth, a student at JH House Elementary School, winning 30.00. The 1st place winner was Ezra Smith, a student at The Wilson Academy, winning $50.00. The 3rd place winner in the 6th-8th grade poster contest was Sarah Gai, a student at General Ray Davis Middle School, winning $20.00. The 2nd place winner was Regina Smith, a student at General Ray Davis Middle School, winning $30.00. The 1st place winner was Destiny Donald, a student at General Ray Davis Middle School, winning $50.00. The 3rd place winner in the 9th-12th grade poster contest was Mason Armand, a student at Salem High School, winning $20.00. The 2nd place winner was Olivia Cook, a student at Salem High School, winning $30.00. The 1st place winner was Joshua Kabwe, a student at Salem High School, winning $50.00. The 3rd place winner in the photo contest in the 9th-12th grade category was Justin Tabois, a student at Salem High School, winning $20.00 total. The 2nd and 1st place winner was Alaina Sneed, a student at Salem High School, winning $80.00 in total. All 1st place poster and 1st place photo entries will be submitted to the GACD State Poster and Photo Contests. The awards were presented in Conyers, Ga at the Rockdale County Board of Education (RCBOE) Board Meeting in Conyers, GA by RCBOE Staff on December 19, 2024 and The Wilson Academy in Conyers, GA on December 2, 2024 by GACD’s NE Regional Program Manager, Dana Tripp and the Chairman of the Rockdale County SWCD Board, George Kelecheck and Rockdale SWCD Board District Supervisor, Leslie Lambert. GACD and local Conservation Districts encourage Georgia’s youth to practice conservation efforts that benefit Georgia communities. 

The Rockdale County Soil and Water Conservation District is a unit of state government that manages and directs natural resource management programs in Rockdale County. The District works with farmers, landowners, homeowners, and with other units of government to educate and actively promote programs and practices that support the conservation, and use and development of soil, water, and related resources. More information can be found at

Pictured: GACD’s NE Regional Program Manager, Dana Tripp, Superintendent, Dr. Terry Oatts, Rockdale County BOE Board Chairwoman, Pam Brown, Students, Justin Tabois, Justin Kabwe, Mason Armond, Olivia Cook, Cameron Stallworth, Regina Smith, Sarah Gai, Rockdale County BOE Board Vice Chairwoman, Heather Duncan, Rockdale County BOE Board Chairwoman, Mandy North, and Rockdale County SWCD Chairman, George Kelecheck.

Pictured: Rockdale County SWCD District Supervisor, Leslie Lambert, K-5th Grade 1st Place Winner, Ezra Smith, and Rockdale County SWCD District Chairman, George Kelecheck.


Not pictured - Chairman - George Kelecheck

District projects and events

Soil Stewardship Week

NRCW support/sponsorship

Each year the district sponsors as many students as possible to attend the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop at ABAC.

Envirothon sponsorship and support

Each year the district supports our local Envirothon teams and plans to continue this support.

meeting information

The Rockdale County Conservation District meets the fourth Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Rockdale County Extension Office. To access previous meeting minutes and documents, please click below.


useful links and further information

rockdale county conservation district facebook page →

contact rockdale county conservation district