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This committee focuses on development and implementation of outreach and application of conservation and production methods and practices unique to urban and suburban environments.
Chair: Vacant
Urban Agriculture
This committee will work to develop outreach programs and field days to be held across the state for adults. Will also develop programs and educational materials to be used in schools to educate youth on conservation and will assist with ways to promote Soil Stewardship Week.
Chair: Vacant
outreach & education
This committee will assist with the development and implementation of Alternative Plan Review.
Chair: Woody Snell, GACD President, Cobb County Conservation District
Alternative Plan Review
Supervisor Training and Continued Education
This committee will develop training programs and assistance to help Supervisors increase their level of activities and effectiveness in their communities and assist in coordination of continuing education training programs such as Annual Meeting and Group Meetings.
Chair: Vacant
This committee will develop and maintain relationships in the legislative arena and represent the interests of Georgia’s Conservation Districts and District Supervisors, and implement improvements through a variety of legislative activities. The committee will also assist with coordination of legislative events.
Chair: Vacant
Watershed Dams
This commitee addresses issues unique to Georgia’s watershed control dams and works with partners to seek solutions to issues of maintenance, repair and overall safety of these structures.
Chair: Don Keeter, GACD Group 1 Vice- President, Limestone Valley Conservation District
Address the issues of feral swine in Georgia’s Conservation Districts and develop various avenues for control, documentation and study aimed toward minimizing the damage inflicted by this invasive species. Assists with Feral Swine District Initiative and outreach.
Chair: Tom Mims, Brier Creek Conservation District
Feral Swine
This committee will work to ensure the financial health of the association through philanthropy and fund development, and will develop partnerships that increase donor-relations. Could also coordinate fundraising events and activities.
Chair: Vacant
Originally established to structure and organize a state-wide cadre of contractors to implement GCDI, this committee serves to deal with all areas of GACD’s contractor relationships in providing deliverables under a variety of contracts, grants and agreements.
Chair: Roger Bowman, GACD Vice- President, Catoosa County Conservation District